Time to put my old blog into Zombie state and start something fresh. The ancient JRoller 3.1 instance I had my account on wasn't really appealing anymore.. so I peeked around and found Serendipity...
View ArticleThere's No Tomorrow
We act as if there's no tomorrow. A cartoon about the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet.
View ArticleTitanenwurzblüte, blooming titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum
Yesterday night we had the privilege to see a blooming titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum), the largest flower on Earth, in the botanical garden's greenhouse at Planten un Blomen, a nearby park in the...
View ArticleDid you know that the word "unsafe" contains NSA?
Ah yes, and btw Happy New Year 2014 :-)
View ArticleHacker cheese
Found one of my favorite cheese to have a 1337 quality assurance sticker.1337 quality approved cheese
View ArticleWhatsApp? Nein Danke!
Studie zu Messengerdienst WhatsApp: Gläsern chatten - Forscher sammeln unbemerkt Daten von WhatsApp-Nutzern und zeigen, wer wie oft online ist. Das zeigt auch, wie leicht man beobachtet werden...
View ArticleNitrokey Storage: USB Security Key for Encryption
I rarely advertise any products, and even though this is not physically available yet: get your USB Nitrokey Storage at Indiegogo until tomorrow. Realized with Open Hardware and Free Software it will...
View ArticleThere's No Tomorrow
We act as if there's no tomorrow. A cartoon about the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet.
View ArticleTitanenwurzblüte, blooming titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum
Yesterday night we had the privilege to see a blooming titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum), the largest flower on Earth, in the botanical garden's greenhouse at Planten un Blomen, a nearby park in the...
View ArticleDid you know that the word "unsafe" contains NSA?
Ah yes, and btw Happy New Year 2014 :-)
View ArticleHacker cheese
Found one of my favorite cheese to have a 1337 quality assurance sticker.1337 quality approved cheese
View ArticleWhatsApp? Nein Danke!
Studie zu Messengerdienst WhatsApp: Gläsern chatten - Forscher sammeln unbemerkt Daten von WhatsApp-Nutzern und zeigen, wer wie oft online ist. Das zeigt auch, wie leicht man beobachtet werden...
View ArticleNitrokey Storage: USB Security Key for Encryption
I rarely advertise any products, and even though this is not physically available yet: get your USB Nitrokey Storage at Indiegogo until tomorrow. Realized with Open Hardware and Free Software it will...
View ArticleGermany is still an underdeveloped digital country on 4G mobile networks
15GB per month for €25, while in the neighbor country Denmark you get Unlimited GB for the same price.. DFMonitor: Data caps and prices - country viewCountry brief: Germany (DE) - Digital Fuel...
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